
Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Homemade Cucumber Infused Vodka

When life gives you Cucumbers,  you make Cucumber infused Vodka.

As the name suggests, cucumber vodka requires only two ingredients.
 You do not have to use expensive Vodka for this recipe.  While you don't want to be drinking cucumber-flavored rubbing alcohol, it's also not necessary to use a top shelf vodka.

Chop up the cucumber and add it to 750ml (1 bottle) vodka, or about 3 cups.

Keep in a cool, dry place and let steep for at least 2 days, and up to 2 weeks. You can do a taste test every day or so until the cucumber flavor is to your liking.

Once it's ready, strain out the cucumber pieces and store in a clean bottle or jar in a cool, dry place or in the fridge until ready to use. It's not necessary to keep it refrigerated because the alcohol will prevent mold growth, but it tastes best chilled. I like to blend some of the cucumber in my food processor and add it to the steeping vodka then strain it so it gets that pretty light green color. Oh and top it off with my vodka marinated tomato for garnish